Feel the confidence that straightened teeth can add to your smile.
Do you feel self-conscious when you smile because your teeth aren’t perfect? With clear aligners, we can move your teeth into place for you. Or perhaps you had orthodontics a while ago and haven’t been wearing your retainer? We can use clear aligners to move things back to where they were.
At Chatterton Way Dental, we use Canadian-made clear aligners from Canadian companies to straighten out your smile and give you more confidence in your appearance. As an added bonus, you may find that it’s easier to clean straighter, less crowded teeth.
Clear aligners are ideal for people with slightly crooked, crowded, tilted, or gapped teeth. If you have more complex issues affecting the function of your jaw and teeth, we will usually refer you to an orthodontist, since significant tooth movement requiring conventional braces, complicated appliances and/or surgery may be involved.